You've heard the term "white noise," haven't you? It's the soundtrack of everyday living. For those living in the city it is the constant sound of traffic outside the office window or the whirr of a copy machine just down the hallway. Country-dwellers have white noise, too. It's the sounds of the birds chirping and dogs barking and log trucks driving too fast down the country road.
White noise is the sound of rain or surf or wind. Beautiful sounds that have become so commonplace that we miss it. Sounds have become distractions - good or bad - that keep us from hearing much of anything with clarity...even the white noise.
Let's slow down a little and sift through the noise so we can hear the sounds. You'll hear someone compliment you. You'll hear someone ask for help. You'll hear God's creation going about life. You'll hear your kids laugh. You might even hear yourself think!
The soundtrack to everyday living is really a beautiful sound...if we'll just listen rather than try to drown it out with more sounds.