President Obama misread the 2008 election. He claims he won based on ideology so he marches through these first 100 days with a swagger or arrogance issuing executive orders and pushing his agenda through Congress. He asks for bipartisan support but in no way is willing to craft legislation that goes against his goals. His definition of “bipartisan” is for those who disagree with him to give up their beliefs and go along with him.
So we have a spending bill that so hurt the American (and possibly the world) economy that most Americans alive today will not reach a level of comfort in their personal finances. Future generations will feel the affects of Obama’s ideology, too. Rather than trying to prop up bad businesses, we should let them go out of business. This is an everyday occurrence on Main Street; Wall Street should be no different.
And now we have an executive order that rescinds the Bush Administrations order limiting stem cell research. Obama’s order commits federal tax dollars to the research and allows researchers to expand the use of embryonic stem cells. We now have a federal government further involved in infanticide.
January 20, 2009 was an historic day. But not for the reasons the press and the public have lauded. It is a day on which the winds of change began to blow. It is a day on which the ideology of respecting and preserving life took a devastating hit. It was a day on which your tax dollars became available to further promote abortion.
The ideology America supports was represented in the 2008 election by a man who was not as charismatic as his opponent. So charisma beat ideology. We should never choose style over substance, else we end up where we are today.