OK. I’m trying to be honest. But it’s hard. I don’t like being wrong.
God has called me to preach and pastor a church. One major responsibility is to lead the church in sharing the gospel with the lost people around us. I can do that in a sermon when a lost person wanders in. I like doing it. I am comfortable doing it.
But going out and finding them and meeting them and sharing the gospel with them is hard. I’ve never been good at it except for about a year and a half under the mentoring of David McLemore. (I wish David was still alive; I need his encouragement.)
It’s not an option though. Not if I want to be a pastor. Really, not even if I want to be a Christian.
OK. So I’m praying really hard for the Spirit to change me. That sounded like I’m blaming the Spirit. I didn’t mean that. It is the Spirit’s desire and responsibility to change me, but I have to be changeable, moldable, teachable.
“Lord, I give you my fear and pride and inadequacies. I want to make you known everywhere I go.”