One of our leaders told me tonight that it seemed to him that Pulaski Baptist Association had just sorta gone away. He is not aware of PBA's ministries. There is a communication gap and I'm part of the problem. So i wanted to take this post to improve the communications to our church regarding the association.
Pulaski Baptist Association is a group of 60+ churches in central Arkansas who cooperate in phenomenal ways to accomplish significant ministry. PBA assists churches seeking pastors and pastors seeking churches. They scholarship pastors seeking a seminary education. They support church mission trips.
Cross Road Baptist Church (me, specifically) has received back from PBA much of what we contribute financially. PBA is especially good as equipping pastors to be better pastors for their churches. CRBC benefits (hopefully) in this way.
PBA facilitates mission opportunities for our churches. CRBC has made two mission trips to New Orleans to help refurbish homes after Katrina. PBA and its churches take numerous trips deep into Mexico where over 1,000 people have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord over the last four years. Opportunities for churches to partner with churches in St. Louis began last year. You may remember that CRBC tried to put a trip together but failed to garner enough volunteers.
PBA provides a website that anyone can use to share the gospel. Check out and give it a try. Another site that will impact children evangelism is in creation at this point and could be available later this year. PBA isn't doing business as usual but is taking advantage of technology to reach lost people.
PBA has purchased two 15-passenger vans that are available to churches for use on missions trips, VBS transports, etc. Churches like CRBC cannot afford a new van but we have these available when needed. We used one of the vans for our trip to New Orleans in 2008.
PBA hosts a ministers lunch one the second Wednesday of each month. Most weeks also include a Brunch Bunch meeting for pastors of small or single-staff church (like me) that has proven to be the most important aspect of our association with PBA because I am no longer isolated at the corner of Colonel Glenn and Congo Ferndale Roads. I have developed deep friendships with many pastors who encourage me in my ministry. I hope I can do the same for them.
We have joined with Faulkner Baptist Association in recent months for a pastors retreat and a preaching conference. Pastors from our associations had the chance to preach and share testimonies to equip and encourage one another. I leave in the morning to go with many of these pastors to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for their Expository Preaching Conference. I hope to be a better preacher from what I gain from this event. PBA is paying for all transportation and lodging at the event.
I could go on and on about the value of being part of Pulaski Baptist Association but I'll save some for later. I pledge to CRBC and to PBA to be a better champion of the association.