These are my thoughts on what happens in my world... all viewed through a Christian lens.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Reluctant to Change
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A week in Alaska
Friday, November 05, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
I bought a MacBook Pro last week. Now I’m trying to get everything from my HP laptop over to the MacBook. Not everything on the old computer will be useful on the new one. Not everything on the old computer will even work on the new one. For me, this is a hit and miss opportunity.
But it makes me think about people who come to Christ for salvation. (Not that Apple should be compared to our Savior.) Many new believers try to simply plug their old lifestyle into the new life. Just like with the computers, not everything is useful and not everything works.
Some things about the MacBook are similar. The ABCs and 123s are in the same place on the keyboard. But the CTRL, FN, and ALT keys I have become very comfortable with are not in the same place and maybe not even there at all or maybe called something else and doing something else.
And what happened to “My Computer”? Finding stuff on the MacBook takes me a while.
I’ll have to learn new applications for word processing, presentations, and spreadsheets. I may buy Office for Mac but I expect there will be some adjusting to do even taking this easier pathway.
In short, life is different now. And life is different for a new believer. It’s easier to keep on doing what you’ve always done. It’s safer to stick with the same friends. It’s more comfortable going to the same old places. But Christianity requires that we change. God’s Spirit is with us to make sure the change goes as planned – and that’s a good thing! All we have to do is follow the Spirit’s leadership.
Sure wish changing from a pc to a mac was that easy.