It's fair to say that we let our circumstances dictate our mood too much, isn't it? I know that to be true and that position was validated this morning when I looked at my blog's dashboard. This is where I see the stats about how many people click over here to read my thoughts and when they do it.
I'm not surprised at the level of readership, after all, this is mostly an outlet for my thoughts where I wrestle with how to apply a biblical worldview to what I see happening to me and around me.
I was surprised, however, to see that my last post was over a month ago. I'm not being a good host to anyone who might surf by looking for nuggets of truth, wisdom, or humor. I feel like I owe you an explanation.
The thoughts and ideas for posts have been plenty the last few weeks. Some were pretty good, I thought, but I just didn't sit down and write at that time. If you are like me, thoughts are slippery things. My get away from me if I don't nail them down.
Other topics were reactions to current events. Honestly, my reactions may have been best kept to myself on some points. Do you react without thinking? Me, too. That's not good when your fingers are on the keyboard. I'm glad the Lord kept me from writing what I was sometimes thinking and I'm glad he's renewing my mind so that I think thoughts that might translate into posts that bring him glory rather than shame.
You know that song that says, "Holiness, holiness is what I long for"? Stick in the word "discipline."
"Discipline, discipline is what I long for.
Discipline is what I need.
Discipline, discipline is what you want from me."
When you lose discipline in one area of your life it's likely you'll lose discipline in other areas. And that's a symptom of a greater issue, maybe.
Here's what I've found to be true over the years of ministry and in my own life: a person's love for Jesus drives everything else.
Revelation 2 relates the words of Jesus to the church in Ephesus: "You have forsaken your first love!" Paul had spent two years in Ephesus teaching these believers to love God. Within fifty years they had fallen from great heights of love. But Jesus held out the hope of restoration to them.
You and I may waiver in our love for God. Our actions will prove it out. But we, too, have the hope of restoration.