Do you ever wonder what God is doing? Me, too. I'm in another season (just look at my last post) where it seems God is up to something but I have no idea. That seems to be a pattern.
Maybe that's the way God works. Not to be cruel or aloof by not letting me know what's going on, but to build my faith so that I can trust that he loves me and wants to do what is best and can do what is best. And he will do what is best.
And instead of working to bring me comfort (physical, emotional), he is working to build my character.
So why is God not clearly laying out for me his plans for the future? Why is the end of one season of life approaching (quickly) and I don't know what the next season holds? What's next?
Better questions may be these: What can I learn during this period of uncertainty? How can I better trust God right now? Where am I trying to control my life rather than yielding to the Holy Spirit?
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." That is what Paul describes as Christ-like character in Galatians 5:22-23. If God is working to build my character - even now - then I must have room for growth in these things. If you know me, you have probably already picked out a few that you would like to suggest I work on. Me, too.
More than having a place to serve, I want to be like Jesus. I need to let him work out where I will serve next. I just need to focus on him and on being like him. Would you pray for me about that?