Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

I've not tended to my blood sugar over the years so now I'm on medicine. Today was the follow-up visit after getting the first prescription last Fall.

The last time I was at the doctor's office, she had a med student in tow. Today she had another one, a different one. I think I must be a fine specimen, or something.

I had lost a few pounds since the last visit. We all celebrated. Then the two of them talked among themselves about how the medicine was responsible for that. I thought we were celebrating me losing weight. Turns out, we were celebrating the medicine peeling the weight off of me.

I think I should get some of the credit. No, I think I should get all the credit. I wonder if I had eaten like I'd always eaten if the weight would have come off just because of a prescription. I think not. Further, I think even without the medicine I would have lost a few pounds because of how I've made better food choices.

Give credit where credit's due!

Notice how this happens too often? God works overtime in your life and when the breakthrough comes you take the credit. And God is ignored.

I think we should give credit where credit is due. I want to thank God for all he does for me. Some I know about; some of it I simply have no idea what he did. But I believe he loves me and works in ways that are always for my good. Thank you, Lord!

I'm glad God worked in my mind and body to help my A1C go down. The scales, too. I gotta tell you, I stepped on those scales with confident expectation today - swagger, if you will - because I knew what it would say. I was almost prideful. Almost.

God may have even used a pharmaceutical to make this happen. Maybe.