Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Sick People and Doctor's Offices

I broke my left leg 10 years ago. For the most part, I’m OK except that I didn’t rehab like the PT said to. Note to anyone rehab-ing an injury: do all your PT says to do.

During baseball practice two weeks ago, I was helping the pitchers and did something to that leg while demonstrating proper technique. Why was I demonstrating something I know very little about? Great question! Nonetheless, my left leg is messed up.

I put off going to the doctor for two reasons. We were leaving three days later for a week in Russia. And, I generally put off things like this anyway. But I’ve been thinking about a trip to the doctor.

When I go to the doctor it is because I have something wrong with me. I can’t remember ever going just to say, “Hi!” I suspect that he expects me to have a problem when I come to see him. His waiting room used to have signs designating areas for “sick” patients and those not sick. I always sat next to the “sick” sign and wasn’t ashamed to do so because I assumed everyone knew I was sick or I would not have been there. I wondered why people would sit on the other side of the waiting room. Except for the sales reps, all those people were just in denial!

So my doctor expects me to have some kind of physical problem when I come to see him. That’s fair. And I expect him to do something about it. That’s fair, too.

Jesus said it was the sick who needed a doctor, not the well. And he came into the world to heal the sin-sick. Jesus knows I am sin-sick. And I know he can do something about it.

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