Monday, May 24, 2010

Something From Nothing

From where I sit I can see two of Riley’s projects. One is complete – he found it in the bottom of his backpack this weekend. The other is due tomorrow. One is some kind of candle or reflector, I guess. The other is a diorama (I just learned that word, too, so don’t feel bad) of a cave – a topic they’ve been studying in school.

What catches my eye is the materials used to create these things. A box that once held bags of potato chips. A cardboard spool that once held paper towels. Marbles, rocks, stickers, construction paper. All held together with glue and tape.

Honestly, I don’t remember making stuff like this when I was in school and I turned out just fine. My fortune cookie said, “You have an active mind and a keen imagination,” thank you very much!

I guess this is one way to recycle.

Riley has made ocean scenes, a castle, and countless smaller displays and projects. Takes a lot of stuff to do that.

The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. He did it without raw materials and supplies. He just did it. Spoke it into existence. Wouldn’t that be cool? “Cave diorama, be complete!” I don’t have that kind of power. That’s one of the reasons I’m not God.

I’m glad God is God.

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