Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day

Today is Riley’s first day of 4th grade. He’s done the “first day” thing several times now but today was a little different. He says he doesn’t like school. That’s different. Riley has always liked school and the first day has been a time for excitement and surprises. I go to pick him up in less than two hours. We’ll see how he liked it.

I think the issue Riley is dealing with is two-fold. This is his 6th first day, counting K4 and K5. It’s old hat. The flair is gone. He’s seen it all, he thinks. Have you ever grown complacent in your relationship with God and his people?
“It’s just another Sunday.”
“Is it time for another revival already?”
“Can’t I just take a break from teaching my class for a while?”
“Please don’t ask me to help on this project.”
Complacency is your own failure to see the excitement in something. Bottom line, it’s the result of lagging behind the Lord in your daily walk.

Riley’s second issue may also inflict church-goers. He’s been hearing from other kids that school is no fun. He’s starting to believe it. And if he acts upon those beliefs, reality will fall right in line. School wont’ be fun if you know it’s not going to be fun. Do you know anyone who thinks about church like this? One sour attitude attracts others like a dead ‘possum attracts vultures. And I mean to draw parallels in just about all the ways you can think! Going to church is a terrible experience when you hang out with others who think the same thing. Sitting through a service is boring (I can’t stand the way people use that term to describe what is really their own lack of desire to get involved) when you sit back and do nothing.

Yes, it is true that God doesn’t change, but the depths of his character is beyond our ability to completely research during a lifetime. The Bible says his mercies are new every morning; so I believe each worship experience can be new and fresh even though you been to hundreds of them. You can listen to people who have a poor walk with Jesus, you can make up your mind before you get here, or you can come to church this weekend like it’s the first day.

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