I can also hear the occasional vehicle drive by. Couldn't hear that with the hard rain and strong winds. I guess you could say things are back to normal now.
But not for the dozens of people across our state who have endured loss the last two days. Some lost family members. Some lost property. Some lost home. Some lost security. For them, today is not back to normal.
Can I go on as normal knowing that people around me cannot? I can't just ignore them, can I? No.
I have several opportunities to be involved. First, I can pray. Only God can really meet the needs these people are experiencing. So I am praying that God intervene in a God-sized way. I know he most often uses people as the conduits for this miracle, so I need to be available to help in ways I can. And I need to be generous with financial support.
A local TV station is promoting a drive for contributions to Red Cross. Other agencies are seeking donations.
Did you know that each time you give to a church that contributes to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention you are giving to disaster relief? (You should ask your church to contribute to CP!) Arkansas Baptists are deployed across the affected areas clearing debris and cooking meals for the displaced and the workers. The other organizations may do a good job and are both effective and efficient with the money given to them, I don't really know. But I do know that Cooperative Program dollars assigned to disaster relief are making a difference. And I contribute every week.
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