Thursday, August 18, 2011

Contrast of Two Ways of Life

The Bible study in Daniel last night showed me an important distinction between a person who worships a false god and and a person who worships the one true living God. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that scared him to death. He demanded to know the interpretation but his usual crowd of astrologers, magicians, and such couldn't help him. Even when threatened with their lives, they were silent. All they could say was that only the gods knew the dream and they were so far away.

The king not only wanted the interpretation, but to ensure that the interpreters were really sharing the message from the gods, he demanded that they also tell him the dream. King Neb wouldn't tell them the dream! They needed details so they could go to their charts and formulas and come up with a sterile, clinical, irrelevant interpretation. The king had probably already experienced such shenanigans and wanted something with substance.

Three words come to my mind when I think about the life of a person who worships a false god. Hopeless. Unsure. Impossible. But when you worship the one true living God you have hope and assurance because all things are possible with God.

Which way describes your life? Most people would say that they worship the one true living God. But what would your way of life say if asked on a Thursday afternoon? Do you live a hopeless, unsure, impossible life? Or do you live with hope and assurance because all things are possible with God?

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