Instead of singing "Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too," Green instead sang, "Nothing to kill or die for, and all religion's true."
Two extreme positions on religion. Two wrong positions on religion.
John Lennon missed it by saying there is no religion. In fact, there are thousands of religions. Very few people are actually atheists. Even at the core of atheism is a humanistic idea that they are their own god.
Cee Lo Green missed it by saying that all religions are true. If that's the case then anyone can believe anything. That's really the point for Green and those who think like that. Look closely at world religions and you'll see vast differences. Some claim a higher power that must be appeased by good works. Some claim a higher power equivalent to one's self. One claims a higher power that desires a personal relationship with you and even sacrificed himself to atone for our sins. The only way to be right with this God is to trust him, love him, and obey him.
I guess it's true that anyone can believe anything. It's just that believing some things won't make you right with God. Only faith in Jesus Christ can do that. And without it, a person chooses to perish for eternity. Embrace the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Nobody comes to the Father except through him. Your good works can't save you but his grace can.
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