Our church is almost finished with a verse by verse study of the Book of Daniel. Some of the most widely known stories in the Bible are in this book. Many of you have heard about Daniel being thrown into a lions den. Do you remember the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into a fiery furnace? And the term "You can see the handwriting on the wall" came from Daniel.
And Daniel is full of prophetic visions regarding the end of time. Last night in our Bible study we looked at a vision recorded in chapter 11. An angel gave Daniel the meaning of the vision. For Daniel and his contemporaries, all of the vision was future prophecy. But for me and my congregation, some of it has already happened and some is still yet to be. At least that's the way I understand it.
The events prophesied up through verse 35 can be traced in the history of ancient times. Kings from the north battle against kings from the south. The advantage goes one way then another. Daughters are offered in marriage as part of treaties. The Bible and the history books show so much agreement that we believe the prophecy has been fulfilled.
Then starting in verse 36 the angel's message is about events still future to us. History does not record any events that match up to the biblical record. That can mean one of two things. Either the Bible is wrong or the events have not yet occurred. I believe the latter is correct.
I have great confidence that Jesus is returning. I believe just prior to his return there will be a terrible time of persecution - the Great Tribulation. But upon Jesus' return the dead in Christ will rise to be with him forever and the unbelieving dead will rise for eternal judgment. I believe this because the Bible tells us it will happen.
But how can a person have such confidence in scripture? Daniel chapter 11 provides one answer. If the prophecy in the first part of the chapter was fulfilled (remember, the prophecy came and was written down prior to the events occurring) with extreme accuracy, then I can expect the prophecy in the last part of the chapter to also be fulfilled with great accuracy.
Only God could give a vision like that. Only God could know the future. Only God can direct cosmic and human events with such precision. And God will bring to pass the balance of the prophecy in the Bible.
Most importantly, I have confidence in my salvation through Jesus Christ. I know I am a sinner and that my sin breaks off relationship with God. I also know that God loves me (and you) so much that he sent his son Jesus to die on a cross as the sacrifice necessary to cover my sins and make me right with God. And I know that when I (or you) call on the name of Jesus, confessing my sin and repenting of it, I will be forgiven, made right with God, empowered to live this life for him, and assured of an eternal home in heaven with him.
I don't understand everything about end-time prophecy. How all this unfolds may surprise me. But I am confident that God's word is true.
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