Monday, July 16, 2012


I'm going on vacation Thursday and I'm not taking my computer. That's a big deal for me. I can't remember the last time I didn't travel with my MacBook Pro.

I must confess that this was not a hard decision to make. We are going on a cruise and won't have internet access anyway. Still, no computer?

I plan to read a lot so I'll have to take real books with me. (Haven't decided about taking the iPad.) And I'm reading the Bible following the Chronological Plan on so I'll have to plan ahead and write down the schedule for the days we are gone.

Are you like me? Are you dependent upon technology? It's not all bad but it is some bad. A vacation from technology may be just what I need so I'll try it. The mission trip to Russia is just a couple of weeks away. Maybe I can make it those eleven days without the laptop, too.

But for now, I'm using the MacBook Pro to post to the blog, checking text messages on the iPhone, and reading on the iPad. Is there a Technology-ics Anonymous around town?

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