Many of us have a quiet time each day. If you do, what do you use for that? Do you read the Bible? Do you use a daily devotional? Both? Do you pray? Do you use a list? Do you keep a prayer journal?
Let me be honest. I answered "yes" to some of those questions and "no" to some of them. I can spend time expounding on reasons to do all these things because each of them will help you draw closer to the Lord. Don't even think you can have a quiet time or close walk with Jesus without reading the Bible and praying. Sometimes we need a little help, though.
That's why I want to tell you why I think it's important to use a daily devotional.
First, reading and thinking about God's Word will bring to light some aspects of the scripture because the Holy Spirit will direct your thoughts. The Spirit also directs the thoughts of others who have studied the passage. By reading their thoughts published in a devotional (printed or online, formal or just a blog) you can see how they responded to the Spirit's leading. You know how you can read a passage over and over again and then all of a sudden you see something new? Gathering your thoughts along with those of others sort of speeds up that process. Their reflections on a passage may or may not click with you but if it does, it's worth the time to look at it.
Second, because of God's omniscience (he knows everything) and his sovereignty (he has ultimate control of everything), what I read in a daily, dated devotional often is exactly what I need for that period in my life. I can't tell you how many times this has happened. I experience something then the devotional directs me to a passage that speaks directly to the experience. Or I read an entry in the devotional then have an opportunity to share it with someone or put the principle into practice in my own life within a day or so. I never think that this is just a coincidence; it's God at work! He used that bit of structure to impact my life.
Third, as the word "devotional" implies, you can be inspired by just a sentence or thought shared in the reading. I love to study and dig deep into God's Word. I also love those "drive by" inspirations. They are unexpected but refreshing. Sometimes even convicting.
Fourth, you will find excellent fodder in a daily devotional for your posts to Facebook timelines and Twitter feeds. Just this morning I read a post on a friend's Facebook timeline and a sentence jumped off the page and into my heart. He is reading "Jesus Calling" and shared this. "Nothing is wasted when it is shared with Me." That line just popped for me so I shared it, too! If something in your quiet time touches you in a special way, share it! Your friends will be glad you did. [Suggestion: mix in scripture and one-liners from a devotional along with your other stuff on social media.]
I'd like to hear some other reasons you may have for using a devotional in your quiet time. Leave a comment!
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