Just saw a tweet from a local news station. The weather radio transmitters are out for a portion of the state that is expected to get severe weather in the next day or so. The tweet said that the problem was expected to be fixed soon.
I hope it's fixed soon enough!
Do you realize that each person has only a limited amount of time. Nobody knows how much time he has but it is limited. The Bible teaches that a time is coming when Jesus will return to earth to initiate a reign of peace that will last one thousand years. That will be followed by a great battle between the Lord and Satan. Satan is completely defeated and the end of time as we know comes to pass.
We don't know when that will be. Christians have been guessing and expecting for the past two thousand years. All who have guessed have been wrong. All who have expected went to their graves without realizing their hopes of seeing the Lord's return.
That has led many people to reject the idea of "the end of time" or the Jesus has anything to do with it. But I hold to the Bible's teachings as true so I believe a time is coming when time will be no more and Jesus will be the focal point of that time.
The return of Christ marks the end of the opportunity to begin following him. When time is no more, each person's fate is sealed for eternity. In fact, when any person dies his eternal destiny is forever determined. No chances exist to turn to Christ after death.
Somebody ought to warn them. Somebody has to tell them about Jesus and the hope of forgiveness and redemption. Somebody must let them know that Jesus loves them and will save them from their sins and from eternity in hell.
That's the church! We who now follow Christ are commissioned with the task of telling those who don't follow him. The uncertainty of the future is precisely why the task is so urgent. You may think we have plenty of time. "It's already been two thousand years since Jesus said he would return and it hasn't happened yet. Why should I think it will happen in my lifetime?" If that's what you think then you are no better than the lost person using the same reasoning as an excuse to put off turning to Christ.
We don't know when or how the end of a person's life will happen. Read the news and notice the number of people who die suddenly and unexpectedly. With no guarantee of another day - even another breath - the need to tell people about Jesus is urgent.
But it seems the warning system is out of order. "I'm OK. I'm not in harms way. I'm saved. So what?" Really? You don't care?
What if that's what the tweet said about the weather warning system? Imagine the public ridicule for being so self-centered and insensitive!
A greater danger is coming for everyone who is not a follower of Jesus Christ. We must fix the warning system in time to get the word out. People just down the hall from you need to know. People you'll never meet in places you'll never go need to know.
How do we fix the warning system? Christians should pray and Christians should go.
"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field" (Matthew 9:38).
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" (Isaiah 6:8).
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