"Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you."
my lips will glorify you."
Psalm 63:2 NIV
Did you notice all the Valentine's posts on Facebook this week? How could you NOT notice! The men posted about how much they loved their wives. The wives responded with an "Aawww" and then posted a picture of the flowers or candy or teddy bear that was delivered to their office. All because of love.
What does your love for the Lord prompt you to do? Three choices are before you. You can do nothing. You can do something. You can do a lot.
A person who does nothing cannot possibly understand God's love. Perhaps that person has never realized that God's love is the reason we exist. Maybe they have explained away all the touches of God by claiming coincidence or chance. A sunrise, a hunger to learn, a desire to be in relationships...these are all part of our lives because God loves us. Doing nothing in response indicates a hardness toward God due to a life of rejecting him or of bitterness toward him.
Some people muster some response to God's love. They may participate in church activities from time to time. They may call upon others to pray for them when life is unusually hard. They may thank the Lord when spared from some difficulty. But they don't do much else to glorify God. The stream of appreciation that ought to flow from their lives is just a trickle. Like a brook that is mostly dry and only swells with the occasional downpour, so is the praise that comes from the hearts of many who say they love the Lord. They are either expecting more from God or experiencing little that they attribute to God. And praise is little.
Then there are those who recognize the love of God in the small things and big things of life. The realize that they experience much more than they could ever expect from God. And they respond with an ever-flowing stream of authentic praise that involves their lips, their lives, even their Facebook posts. Pray that God will help you know his great love and give him glory for it.
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