Friday, April 19, 2013

Fathers Believe In Their Children

The Boston Marathon suspected bombers' father says his sons were set up. What father wouldn't want to believe their children did the right thing? I believe that about my boys. I hope my dad believes that about me.

But the truth is the truth. And the truth seems to implicate the two suspects. In spite of what their father thinks, the authorities most likely have the right guys. He's not ready to accept that. And there is nothing he can do about their guilt if they are guilty.

My heavenly Father knows the truth about my sins and yours. He knows we are guilty so he cannot deny it. He knows our sins because each sin is against him. That's what King David said in Psalm 51. It's true.

But my heavenly Father has the power to do something about my guilt. He doesn't look the other way. He doesn't ignore it. Instead, he deals with it.

How does God deal with your sin? God sent his Son - the one he was confident was guiltless - and poured upon him our guilt. Jesus died for our sins so we could be adopted into God's family and become joint-heirs with Jesus.

From the moment you repent of your sins and turn in faith to Jesus, God sees you as guiltless. Jesus has taken the punishment for your sins. You are robed in his righteousness.

Have you trusted Jesus for your salvation? Send me a message if you would like to know more.

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