"The Lord had said to Abram, 'Leave you country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.'"
Genesis 12:1 NIV
It's an exciting time when we start new beginnings. The first day on the job can bring lots of emotions but in the end we look forward to what we may be able to accomplish in this new place. The first day of school brings opportunities to learn and do new things. The first day of marriage, parenthood, or retirement are portals to a new way of life.
Sometimes our new beginnings are mulligans or do-overs. Wouldn't you just like to reach out and hit the reset button every once in a while? Do you remember playing with an Etch A Sketch®? I was awful at it but would spend hours trying to make curved lines. The best I could do was just make squares around the edge moving slightly inward each time around. The I'd turn the Etch A Sketch® upside down and shake it.
There's nothing like a clean slate! Tee up the ball again and take another shot! Abram and his family had followed God's call years earlier and had settled in Haran. Then God called them to move on from the comfortable, known, bountiful land to a place of unknowns. Canaan would be a better place but Abram had no way to know that.
Except he trusted God. That's what it takes to move when God calls. You can trust God to guide you the right way. Even if you've been going the wrong way or not going at all. Just trust him and get going.
God has incredible plans for your life. Since his way of thinking is not like our way of thinking, it would be hard to even try to describe what he has in store. Just go to the edge of your imagination, look into the unknown, and realize that God's desires for you are out there.
Then follow him. Maybe you need a jumpstart or a reset. He offers that. Pray that God will help you follow him now from no matter where you are.
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