Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Vision Correction

It's about time for another eye exam. Usually, I can't really tell if I'll need a new prescription or not when I go in. This year, though, I'm pretty sure I'll need an adjustment.

I need correction for my far vision. And I need correction for reading. Bifocals aren't so bad except for that tilting-your-head-up-and-down thing. But without correction I wouldn't see clearly except for a few feet. Basically, I can see to play piano without my glasses. Anything more near or more far requires a corrective lens.

That got me thinking about a church's vision. Some churches see their mission field to be the area near their churches. Others see their mission field to be areas farther away. Focus on either near or far leads to a distorted view of the other.

Do you know a church that has great local ministry but not much else? They say that they just need to focus on helping people at home. They may send a nice offering to missionaries who serve in other places or have special times of pray for them, but they don't do much to connect personally. What might happen if they saw the nation and world like they see their neighborhoods? They could make a huge impact on spiritual and social needs.

Then there are some churches who have a huge presence outside their own communities but do little to reach their neighbors. Their members get in the van or on the airplane and take the gospel to the nations. They partner with missionaries for ministries of evangelism, discipleship, encouragement, construction, etc. They do block parties across the state or nation. But they don't do much at home. A food pantry and clothes closet might help the locals but it's not there. Neighborhood canvasing could uncover many lost and unchurched families but they won't go.

Does your church need a corrective lens to help them have impactful vision both near and far? The Bible is that lens! The Bible teaches about local ministry and going to the nations. We might miss parts of what it says because we always stick to our favorite parts. If you are a "go to the nations" kind of Christian, then you might focus on passages that teach this and miss the others. Or you may like the "love your neighbor" parts because it validates your desire to do local ministry.

A full view of scripture leads to a clear vision of ministry. Load up with God's word to have a balanced mission. You'll be amazed at how well you'll see God at work at home, around the world, and all points in between. That's good vision!

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