We've had a taste of fall a couple of weeks ago. Then summer temps reminded us of the unpredictability of weather. Forecasting appears to be foreguessing. Weather patterns, currents, and causes intrigue me so I'm not making fun of the professionals. With just a few changes in destiny, I could see myself as one of them. After all, I can play the piano, too!
But today is a truly fall day. I woke up about 5:20, laid in the bed for 15 minutes, then got up and took the dog out for her early morning outdoor venture. The temp was 51. Beautiful. When the sun came up over an hour later, the skies were (and still are) clear and blue. Beautiful. I put on my jeans, long-sleeved shirt, and sweater vest and thought about sending my resume to the North American Mission Board.
It's now 3:30 and 73 degrees, clear skies. Beautiful. I could live in this year-round. Just throw in a few snow days and I'd be very happy.
Things aren't always perfect, are they? Sometimes the overnight temperature is 18 and the pipes burst. Sometimes it's a high temp of 108 and it feels like 118. Other days brings storms or droughts.
Weather isn't the only unpredictable part of life. Relationships can over-heat or go frigid. Jobs bring turmoil and dissatisfaction. Even our spiritual lives can see long, dark nights and periods of dryness.
The one constant that you can always count on is Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). When relationships turn upside-down, cling to Jesus. When the job situation is unsure, cling to Jesus. When friends forsake you, cling to Jesus. Even when the storms - the literal ones - come, cling to Jesus. Here's a point that I've found many times to be true: Jesus will take you through the difficulties and things will be OK.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). Beautiful!
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