Tuesday, April 15, 2014


My morning Bible study included readings from the book of Judges. Two great leaders of Israel had died: Moses, who led them out of Egypt, and Joshua, who led them into the Promised Land.

What next? Have you ever experienced the end of an era in leadership? The affects of the previous leader lingers but diminishes with time.

So it was in Israel. Joshua's contemporaries carried on in the spirit of his leadership. But they soon died, too. Then the writer of Judges records this observation:

"Eventually that entire generation died and was buried. Then another generation grew up that didn't know anything of God or the work he had done for Israel." (Judges 2:10 MSG)

I look at the situation in our world now and wonder where we are in this cycle. My generation is surely further from God than earlier generations. Will the next generation be even further away?

It's not inevitable that every generation slides further away from God. The Great Awakenings are proof that God can move and stir in hearts and bring people to him. In a micro view, I have personally experienced revival that brought me closer to God.

If enough Christians seek to please the Lord, and if enough others come to Christ for transforming salvation, then maybe we can slow the slide away from God or even turn our culture around.

We must keep telling the stories of God's love and goodness to our children. We must keep telling the stories to anyone who will listen. How else will they know?

Consider the great cost of Christians remaining silent.

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