Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Job's Friends

I've been reading through the Book of Job in the Bible the last few days. Job was afflicted with all sorts of agony. He lost is children, his livelihood, his wealth, and his health. And he didn't know why.

Job was a righteous man. God knew it. Satan knew it. Everyone knew it. So his sudden losses were unexplainable.

But some people don't like for things to be unexplained. Job had some friends like this. They couldn't stay away and they couldn't just be there for him. They had to explain to Job why he was in his situation.

I've read this story several times but as I listened to them advise Job this time I realized that they do exactly what today's Christians might do.

Much of what they say about God, sin, judgment, and repentance is right on target. They often get the truth right but miss the application. Distorted truth makes for an awful personal application because distorted truth is really no truth at all.

Have you ever heard someone say, "He knows just enough to be dangerous"? That's a good description of Job's friends and it's a good description of some of us who profess to be Christians.

We are to live according to God's Word while living in this world. The life experiences you face each day must be viewed through the lens of the Bible. This is called a Biblical Worldview. We all use something as the primary lens through which everything else is viewed or filtered. Your worldview is extremely important!

Job's friends wanted to use Job's circumstances to describe or explain God. They looked through circumstances to see God. They should have seen the circumstances through the truth of who God is.

Circumstances change. God does not. Your lens or worldview must be fixed - that is God - or you'll constantly feel frustration and confusion.

Yes, circumstances impact decisions and actions, but those decisions and actions will be productive and God-honoring when God's will and purpose provide perspective.

Job's friends got it wrong even though they had a sense of truth. A Biblical Worldview allows you to both properly discover and properly apply truth.

I've decided that I should further ground my worldview in God's Word. I'll do that by continuing to study the Bible and asking the Holy Spirit to teach me truth and how to apply it.

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