In 2015 I expect God to comfort us when a friend or family member dies, just like he did in 2014. Three people very close to me passed away last year. Two more who were extended family to people I'm close to died. Another handful with whom I had no personal relationship except to observe them passed away. Death brings sadness, tears, uncertainty, reflection. In the midst of it all was the comfort Jesus promised to those who mourn. The Holy Spirit's presence was obvious. I wouldn't dare to think 2015 will be without such loss and I wouldn't dare doubt that God will be with me.
In 2015 I expect God to provide all I need, just like he did in 2014. My balance sheet is not much to brag about. The county can't tax much property. My assets don't have much shine to them. But I have all I need and much of what I want. God has been good. I've found that my desires have changed over the years. What I once thought were necessities, those things that later slid down to the wants list, are now completely off the radar. And other necessities have appeared. The lesson for me and my family was that God provides what he knows is best. My responsibility is to be faithful to him and with what he provides. And to be thankful. I am and will be this year.
In 2015 I expect God to draw my family nearer to him, just like he did in 2014. My family grew by one this year when my son Caleb married Keegan. My wife, three sons, one daughter-in-law, parents and step-parents, my sisters and their families, and me - God will draw each of us closer to him. I know that to be true because that's what God does. What I'm not certain of is whether each of us will respond. My life is a testimony of obedience and disobedience mixed together. Sometimes the obedience outweighs the disobedience, but not always. That's probably true for all my family. I hope we are more obedient than disobedient this year. Actually, I hope our obedience far outweighs our disobedience when God draws us.
In 2015 I expect God to forgive me, just like he did in 2014. I am a sinner. I'd like to say that I've left sin behind me but I can't. Each day brings new and recycled temptations. Sometimes I fail to withstand them. But I've never sinned a sin that God has not forgiven. The Bible tells me that Jesus died because of and for my sins so that I could be forgiven and be right with God. As I understand scripture, the only sin that will not be forgiven is to die having not believed in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. So I confess my sin and God forgives me. Being forgiven feels good.
In 2015 I expect God to speak to me, just like he did in 2014. Like others have said, "God doesn't speak in an audible voice, he speaks much louder than that." As I read the Bible I hear God's voice. Faithful people advise me and I hear God's voice. God uses circumstances to guide me. Even my conscience hears God's Spirit. Countless times each day God speaks to me. I don't always listen but I want to hear him more because I need his instruction, guidance, and wisdom.
In 2015 I expect God to be just who he was in 2014. And I'm glad for that. Everything changes except God, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
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