Vacation is over. Those are sad words, aren't they? Worse than the drive home from the vacation spot is the drive to work the next day.
That's my mentality this morning. I'm trying to get over it. It's early and I have plenty of day left to make the change.
A healthy view of vocation should lead us to anticipate the days off AND the days on. That's a good plan for preachers, bankers, line workers, farmers, teachers, secretaries, jockeys, clerks, and everyone.
Why do we so look forward to days off and so dread going back to work? Probably because we have a negative view of work. Some have such a negative view of work that they'll do just about anything to avoid it. It's hard work avoiding work!
God has always tasked humanity with work. Even before The Fall there was work. It wasn't a burden. Even with the affect of sin on work it still doesn't have to be something we dread.
Work can and should be one of the ways Christians honor God and give him glory. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (Colossians 3:23). If you view work as something you must do for someone else then you may get discouraged, overwhelmed, or just plain sick of it.
But when work is an opportunity to honor God and when work is a platform from which to proclaim his glory, then the labor becomes less laborious.
OK, I'm feeling better about getting back to work.
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