Sometimes making a decision is the hardest thing for me to do. Then there are times when I can make a decision quickly, easily, and without regret.
The difference between these two decision-making abilities has little to do with the magnitude of the decision. Life-changing decisions can be easy and they can are hard. Seemingly inconsequential decisions can also be easy and hard. Maybe it's more about my frame of mind or my perceived reactions and responses to the decision. I really don't know.
My wife has an easier time deciding what she doesn't want to eat that deciding what she does want to eat. For example, when we are planning a meal (at home or out) she's pretty clear that she doesn't want this or that. She's not hungry for it or it doesn't sound good or she already had that this week. On the other hand, I don't go through that progression when deciding what to eat. My lack of decision making in this regard really is that I just don't care. I don't have a preference so anything is OK. Almost anything; there are a few things that I'll never eat!
I try to read from Proverbs every day. Recently, I've read that there are decisions that people can make that seem like good decisions but end up with terrible outcomes. "There is a way that seems right to man but in the end leads to death." The Bible also teaches that the ways that I think aren't on the level with the ways God thinks. His ways are higher than mine. Those truths can put some pressure on my decision-making!
Here are some tips for those of you who sometimes have trouble with decisions like I sometimes do.
Pray. You can never overestimate the power of praying. Prayer is a lot of things and talking with God about decisions you face is one of them.
Read the Bible. The Bible is a treasure, in part, because this is a significant way that God speaks to us. I am routinely amazed that what I read in the Bible speaks directly to something I am dealing with at the time.
Ask for help from godly people. My wife and I were making a huge decision several years ago. I asked a close friend and pastor to pray with us about it. A few days later I informed him of our decision. He couldn't believe we made the decision we did. It was against how he felt God was leading. We hadn't even talked with him after asking him to pray with us about it. Instead, we jumped into what turned out to be a huge mistake. Ask for help from godly people and allow God to speak to you through them.
Ask yourself a few tough questions. Does this honor God? Does this conflict with God's mission? Does this participate in God's mission? Does this harm my family? Does this build up or enhance the local church?
What would you add to these that have helped you make good decisions?
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