Sunday, June 23, 2024


 Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. But maybe not exactly what we expect.

I'm a Bible guy so when I think of miracles I think of things like the parting of the Red Sea, Jesus feeding 5,000 with a boy's sack lunch, an axe head floating in water, Jesus walking on water (Peter, too), Lazarus brought back to life. There are a lot of them in the Bible.

But what is a miracle? It's something supernatural. It's something that can't really be explained - although today's sport-of-choice seems to be explaining away the miraculous. My simplified definition of a miracle is: something that can only be imagined within the context of God, something only God can do.

While miracles of biblical proportion haven't happened since...Bible times..., miracles do still happen today. Let me qualify that statement by saying that I haven't experienced miracles of biblical proportion. I fully believe it is possible. Here are some examples of miracles I have experienced or witnessed.

Tumors detected in scans just weeks earlier are no longer present. It's a miracle.

Ends that simply do not meet in the spreadsheet somehow work out so that the bill gets paid before the lights are shut off. It's a miracle.

The people in the car survived although the car sitting in the ditch would try to tell a different story. It's a miracle.

Sometimes, somehow, for some reason, God intervenes so that something happens that we cannot explain except to say that God intervened. It's a miracle.

One of my favorite songs is called "Miracle In Me" performed by the Greenes. The chorus says:

I have never seen the thousands fed or the blind made to see.
I have never watched him raise the dead but I know when he lifted me
There's a wonder right before your eyes close enough to see
In my heart is where this wonder lies, there's a miracle in me.

I wrote a song some years ago with a similar theme:

He gave the sight back to the blind, made the lame to walk again.
When only one leper gave him thanks, still he cleansed all ten.
But best of all he took my heart and washed away all sin.
It's no trick - the things he'll do, what he's done for me he'll do for you.

The most wonderful miracle I can imagine is that a sinner like me can be saved and made to be in right standing with the holy God. What he's done for me he'll do for you! It's a miracle!

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