Thursday, June 04, 2009


I spent 10 days on a trip to Talitsa, Sverdlovskaya, Russia. Talitsa is town. Sverdlovskaya is an oblast (state). My wife, Deana, and another couple from our church, Ed and Shirley Meux, went with me.

I had been to Russia last year to lead a pastor’s Bible conference. While I was there, I learned of the need for a Baptist church in Talitsa and of some specific prayer needs of a few believers there. So our church has been praying for over a year for them. Good news! The prayers have been effective as the situations these believers were experiencing have improved. We weren’t even praying for the specific problems because we thought the needs were different. This is just an example of the Holy Spirit taking our earnest prayers and directing his power to the real needs. God is so good!

I’ll post pictures and my journal soon. Til then, just know that God is at work everywhere on the planet. Even in your life. Leave a comment if I can pray with you about something in your life or talk with you about a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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