Monday, June 29, 2009

Too Much of Self

You've noticed the same thing that I have noticed...people think too much of themselves. I am not advocating self-deprecation because thinking too little of yourself is just as bad. Balance! Balance is the key!

The Bible says that a person ought not think too highly of himself and should consider others first (Romans 12:10 and Philippians 2:3). When a person is so inwardly focused that all he can think about or talk about is himself, his accomplishments, or his ideas, he neglects others. A selfish or prideful spouse neglects the other spouse. The parent neglects the child. A friend neglects another. And so on.

The answer to pride, arrogance, and selfishness is humility. I like to think of humility as having a good understanding of who I am compared to who God is. None of us can get too puffed up when we see that comparison clearly. When I've gotten a little (or a lot) puffed up God has always done something to help me see him more clearly - because I have lost my vision of God's majesty.

When I see God more clearly and I see me more clearly I also will see others and their needs and value more clearly. Some people help others for selfish reasons, but the only motive God approves is that of Christian love expressed in humility. If I think too highly of myself I can't do that.

But I can't think too lowly of myself either. Because God's Spirit dwells within me (and every believer) I have great resource and ability. In fact, I'm able to do beyond my ability because of him. He strengthens me. He applies me - he uses me.

God thinks enough of me to die for me and save me. He thinks enough of me to equip me with gifts. He think enough of me to give me a task. If God thinks that much of me, then I must not thik too lowly of myself.


Jesus, the God-man, said this, "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does." (John 5:19)

We are not God-men, but we are men and women who have God's Spirit within us. So a healthy, biblical perspective is one of balance.

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