But that's not the kind of forecast I'm talking about today. As we roll into another year it seems like everyone is making predictions and resolutions. From my perspective as pastor of an evangelical Christian church in North America, I predict three things.
First, if we do exactly what we did in 2013 we'll get exactly the same results in 2014. Actually, doing the same thing will likely result in less God-honoring results. The times are changing and ministry must be proactive in establishing methods that will be effective today. And if you haven't been proactive then be reactive but with great caution. Either way, Christians must continually sharpen our methods and retool our ways while staying razor-focused on the message that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ.
Second, if we continue to communicate with those outside the church in the same way we have, we'll continue making little progress reaching them. We communicate on at least two levels that are wrong. One way is by saying nothing. The culture is moving further and further away from biblical morality. And we say little or nothing. Our silence just opens the gate for further immorality. So speak up for the Lord. On the other hand, some Christians say too much or they say what they say the wrong way. Everything we say and do must be in love. But our posts on social media, our marches on government facilities, or our boycotts of targeted businesses often show hatred and judgmental attitudes rather than compassion and evangelistic concern. We can make little impact or we can make a difference.
Third, Jesus Christ will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords all year long. That's what gives us hope that many people will come to salvation in Christ during this year. That's what gives us hope that new churches will be started in communities all around the world. That's what gives us hope to live God-honoring lives even though we may face persecution for standing upon and for the truth.
Here are two Bible verses that can help us live in 2014 in ways that bring glory to Jesus.
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)
The forecast for 2014 looks bright for followers of Jesus Christ.
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