Today was to have been dotted with stops from Benton to Little Rock to Sherwood. Most of what I had planned to do did not happen. I missed out on some things I really wanted to do. But it just didn't work out.
Tomorrow might be better. Is "better" even the right way to look at it? Maybe the way today turned out was better than the way I thought it would. At least I ought to find to the good in what actually did happen rather than mourn the loss of what didn't.
Our perspective and attitude go a long way in helping us deal with the uncertainties and the unexpected things that come along. As it turns out, I accomplished quite a bit more in one area of my responsibilities. So that's a good thing.
Do you find that your days go like mine did today? It happens more often than not. For some reason, I miss a turn and wind up down the wrong road. Or I'm derailed by external circumstances. Either way, I'm not where I thought I should be.
I figure I might as well make the best of it. Sure, I'd like to be on schedule - where I planned to be at the time I planned to be there. One thing I've learned from international mission trips is that Americans are much more concerned about that than the rest of the world.
So having a plan is a good thing but getting uptight about plans gone haywire is not. Here's my plan for tomorrow...
- Get up around 6:00 (that pretty much depends on when Lexi wants fed)
- Pray for family, friends, church
- Catch up on my Daily Bible Reading (I'm a day behind)
- Head to Sherwood for the Evangelism Conference (missed today's sessions)
- Have lunch at Mugs Cafe in North Little Rock
- Check on a few families in the church
- Plan and prepare for Sunday's worship service
- Have supper with Deana and Riley
- Practice music for Sunday with our praise team
- Check social media and play Words with Friends
- Get to bed around 9:30
That's what I plan to do - like James said, "if it's the Lord's will." I promise not to get irritated when something drops from the list or is added to it.
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