I'm preparing to teach a Bible study. The passage is Colossians 3:18-4:1. The first words are, "Wives, submit to your husbands."
Coy was a member of a church I pastored. He was an older gentleman who had a great sense of humor. Coy would ask me every few months when I was going to preach about wives submitting to their husbands. Then he'd laugh real big.
Coy was a trouble-maker!
I was going to be away from the church on a particular Sunday and I was tempted to ask Coy if he would preach for me and if he would preach any text I chose. I would've chosen Colossians 3:18 or Ephesians 5:22. I'm sure he would have turned me down. And he would have laughed real big.
Why are wives more interested in their husbands obeying what Paul said (to love their wives) than they are in obeying Paul's words to them? Every time I've gotten close to this passage, one of the women in my church groans and quickly points out the husbands' responsibilities.
You might say that I'm one blessed pastor. I am teaching the book of Colossians verse by verse on Wednesday nights. One Wednesday each month, I lead a study on missions instead. And we've missed a few Wednesdays for weather or special services. Last Wednesday night, the ladies in our church began a Bible study that will take them away from my group for a few weeks.
I say all that to say that I'm blessed because most of the women will not be in my Bible study tonight when I talk about what it means for wives to submit to their husbands. I'm blessed because I won't have to deal with the fussing (and flat out refusal) that usually accompanies the topic.
But that's not really good. If someone fusses about something the Bible says and refuses to do it, well they just aren't acting like Christians are to act.
It must be hard to submit. It must be hard for husbands to love their wives like Christ loved the church, too. Otherwise, our families would be stronger. And stronger families are the building blocks for stronger churches and a stronger society.
Maybe it's not a blessing that the women will not be in the Bible study tonight. I guess I'll have to post more on the blog. Or preach this passage on a Sunday morning. Or print out my notes and mail them to them.
Anonymously, of course.
I can hear Coy laughing.
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