Saturday, November 28, 2020

Order Beyond Death

 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).

Prior to this nothing had existed except the Triune God. He made - out of nothing - all that is. It was good. It had order.

But sin made its way into humanity’s existence; death reordered everything. Prior to death - prior to sin - God’s order was the norm. Beyond just being the norm, order was all there was.

You and I live in the reordered world marked by sin and death. Men and women from my childhood pass away. The frequency of these announcements seems to be increasing; three in the last few days. We live without them. We even live without some of the kids from our school years. Even some of our own children are gone.

Each time someone who has an imprint on our lives, our lifestyles, or even our memories dies, life is reordered. That’s what death does: it reorders. First, death reordered the perfect order. Now death reorders how we’ve grown accustomed to the previous reordering.

And the cycle repeats itself again and again. Will it ever end?


The order broken by sin and the resulting death will be restored. Jesus Christ came from heaven and was born into this world just as you and I were. He lived in this disordered life experiencing all that you and I do. However, as the experiences of this life result in sin, suffering, and death for us, it was not so for Jesus.

He lived, he experienced, but he did not sin. Yet he still suffered and died. He suffered because the world has been reordered. So when his close friend died, Jesus wept. When he saw people wrongly treated, he agonized. When he was beaten and crucified, he suffered.

His suffering was quite real and personal, but his suffering was not because of anything he had done. Likewise, his death.

His death was real and it was personal. But where death is part of the reordering brought about by sin, Jesus did not sin yet still experienced death - the death we should experience.

Why? So the cycle of reordering would end and all things could be restored as God intended his creation to be.

My family, my friends’ family members, my friends, and I will all experience the reordering of God’s good creation. We will die. But something waits beyond death.

Jesus lived and died so that any and all who trust him for salvation from the penalty of sin (which is death/separation) can live again. This time we’ll live in a place of restored order. A place where sin can no longer bring death. A place where chaos is not known.

A place where any and all who trusted Jesus for salvation will reunite.


I have many family and friends and heroes already there. I’m looking forward to being there, too.

But the greatest thing about heaven is being forever in the order our Creator intended and being with our Creator: the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Thoughts On Speaking Out and Listening and Anger

Lead with your ears,
follow up with your tongue,
and let anger straggle along in the rear.

We live in a time when everyone wants to be heard. And we have the technology that facilitates the longing. Have you watched...sure you have...the video of recent protests? Most of what you see was captured by a participant using a mobile phone. And pay attention to the people in the many of them are holding up a phone capturing the same thing so they can post it on their social media pages? The days of getting your news late in the day on the network broadcasts or the next morning in the local paper are long gone. Those of us who actually remember those experiences (broadcast news and local papers as the first source of information) are in the minority.

Everyone wants to be heard and everyone can be heard. But that doesn't mean the playing field is level. Because you want to and can be does not mean you are heard. Communication is the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver. I suspect that many messages being sent are not being received. Like those NASA transmissions into outer space looking for extraterrestrial life. Messages being sent but not received.

What did your toddlers do when they said something to you but you didn't respond? They got louder. Eventually, they got angrier. Why? Because they didn't think you heard them. And it didn't matter if you heard them or not. It didn't matter if their requests or complaints were valid or not. They wanted to be heard.

People want to be heard today. Many have valid requests or complaints. Many messages are not being received. So they speak up. I would, too.

The messages piercing the silence are about injustice. They are about scary health issues. They are about uncertain economics. They are about not knowing what is going on or what will happen next. If they think their messages aren't being heard, they get louder. Some get angrier.

I would, too.

Have you noticed the amount of counter-messages that are out there? "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" seems to be a maxim pertaining to communication, too. As I hear messages from any side of any issue, I want to respond the right way. I'm talking about both my content and my tone.

I look to the Bible for guidance in all things. Here's what I found regarding the content and tone of my messages.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14 ESV                    

With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father,
and with it we curse people who are made in God’s likeness.
Blessing and cursing come out of the same mouth.
My brothers and sisters, these things should not be this way.
James 3:9-10 CSB                    

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt,
so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Colossians 4:6 NIV                    

Post this at all intersections, dear friends:
Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue,
and let anger straggle along in the rear.
James 1:19 MSG