Friday, June 11, 2010

SBC Just a Few Days Away

I’m just a few hours away from leaving for the SBC in Orlando. Pretty excited about it for a few reasons. But bummed for one: Deana and Riley don’t get to go. We started out two years ago trying to save money for this trip but never accumulated enough. We don’t save very well so just a few unexpected expenses along the way wiped us out. We are now saving for a trip to the Grand Canyon next year when the SBC is in Phoenix. Praying that this works out better for us.

Now for the positives. First, messengers to the convention will hear recommendations from the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force that was assembled after the 2009 meeting. I have been supportive of a Great Commission Resurgence from the beginning a little over a year ago. I’ve also been vocal with my critique, both positive and negative. I think someone Tweeted about me a few days ago. At least, the tweet made me think twice before speaking so boldly. I think my comments were valid; maybe a bit emotionally energized. I am ready to vote for the Task Force recommendations and expect great opportunities for me, my church, and my denomination.

Second, I am traveling with five pastor-friends. This should be a blast! No telling what will happen along the way with the likes of Danny Johnson, Lary Tidball, and John Watt on board. It will be up to Larry Walters, Tom Strike, and me to provide balance and sanity.

Third, I need energized. I’ve worked in organizations with hundreds of other people and managed a team of more than a dozen while also indirectly overseeing distant locations. I’ve owned my own retail company. I’ve been in positions of great responsibility and positions requiring manual labor. But being a single staff pastor is the most draining task I have ever undertaken. This is not a bad thing and I’m not complaining, but I need to hear the messages and reports that will be part of the SBC. I get very few opportunities to be the listener; I’m usually the speaker. This will be a great week of participating in a different way that always serves to energize me for my calling as pastor of CRBC.

Though the SBC probably won’t cycle back to Orlando for several years, I have moved to the front burner a trip to Disney World for Deana, Riley, and me. We have to save better this time and I need to lose some weight so I will fit in the roller coaster cars. Would you pray for me about that?

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