Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Waiting on the Lord

I read today's entry in Oswald Chamber's "My Utmost for His Highest." The point was that we should move through life following God's timetable rather than our own. How often do you rush ahead without really considering what God wants? I do that too much and it's time to wait.

I rushed into something 31 years ago that was not according to God's timing. I rushed into something 28 years ago that was not on God's master plan. I rushed into something 12 years ago that was not on God's agenda. I'm sure there are other occasions that also meet this criteria. The three things I mentioned have marked my life and are obstacles even today. I didn't wait on the Lord.

The three things I mentioned represent three different areas of life. I knew in my head that God is supposed to be the center of everything in my life. I knew in my head that God has a plan for me that is all-inclusive. I just didn't know it in my heart so I rushed. Instead of waiting on the Lord I either ran ahead of him, ran away from him, or ran around him.

Eventually, I ran back to him. And he was there each time waiting on me. How much easier (and better) had I been waiting on him. I hope I've learned my lesson.

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