Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Stress and Jobs

Suzanne Lucas compiled a list of the most and least stressful jobs. I eagerly clicked on the link to see where pastors ranked. My guess is that if the list was based on what pastors thought, the career would be high on the stressful list. But if church members were polled, being a pastor would be high on the least stressful list.

And the survey says...

10 Most Stressful Jobs
  1. Enlisted military personnel
  2. Military general
  3. Firefighter
  4. Airline pilot
  5. Event coordinator
  6. Public relations executive
  7. Senior corporate executive
  8. Newspaper reporter
  9. Police officer
  10. Taxi Driver
10 Least Stressful Jobs
  1. Audiologist
  2. Hair stylist
  3. Jeweler
  4. Tenured university professor
  5. Seamstress/tailor
  6. Dietitian
  7. Medical records tech
  8. Librarian
  9. Multimedia artist
  10. Drill press operator

OK, so pastors made neither list. Let me speculate. Pastors made #11 on one of the lists. But which one? Is being a pastor a stressful job or is it relatively stress-free?

What do you think?

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