Monday, July 28, 2014

Love One Another

I'm drawn to John 13:34-35 again and again as I study the Bible and try to learn about the Christian life. Jesus said,

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Years after memorizing this passage during MasterLife, love for one another is in the front of my mind. I've found this principle in so many other passages. It's proven important in relationships and ministry. Clearly, God's people are to love one another.

For some reason that I do not know - I suppose God directed my thoughts - this morning I wanted to post quotes from Baptist leaders from generations ago. I went to Google and search for Luther Rice, one of the leaders in organizing Baptist work in the United States in the early 19th Century. As I browsed the search results and looked at a few sites, I thought I should move away from internet sources like wikipedia (Riley's school forbids him to use this as a source!) and use more credible sources.

I'm so thankful for Logos Bible Software! I digitally pulled Leon McBeth's two volumes on Baptist Heritage and quickly went to letters written by Luther Rice. I have both volumes on the bookshelf but like most of the hard copies there, I'd rather use the digital version. Agains, thanks, Logos!

In 1823 Rice wrote to his friend Adoniram Judson who was serving in Asia. The last paragraph in the letter led my thoughts to John 13:34-35. I can imagine that Luther Rice loved his Christian brother Adoniram Judson and the work he was doing spreading the gospel.

Your last letter to me is dated the 6th February 1822, and has been in hand several months. I have just read it afresh. I seldom weep, and almost never in sight of any one—but your letters I can never read without tears. I still cherish some hope of seeing you again even in this world, as well as of spending a blessed eternity with you in heaven!

The challenge to me - and I hope you'll accept it, too - is to love fellow Christians and the gospel mission in which they are engaged. May we shed tears of joy for the faithfulness of one another and tears of sorrow for those who do not know Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Image courtesy of tungphoto /

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