Wednesday, November 02, 2005


As a pastor, I've often considered the danger of touching a microphone in a baptistry. Of course, we would never purposely reach out to touch one while standing waist-deep in water. But I don't think this pastor thought about it. It's so natural to reach out to adjust a microphone. You could have asked him just before he stepped into the baptistry what he thought about touching the microphone and he would have said he would never do it. But instincts overcame intention and this young pastor is dead.

Can you imagine being in the congregation? Can you imagine being his family?

An article published by Baptist Press qouted a church official saying they were sure he was in Heaven because of his relationship with Christ. That's the only point of comfort for his family, friends, and church.

Baptists are known for a lot of things. We boycott things. We fully immerse a person for baptism. And we believe in eternal security.

Eternal security means that once a person comes to Christ as their Savior and Lord there is nothing that can undo what God does. What God does is apply the death of Jesus (actually, his blood) to our sins; just like the Old Testament sacrifice of atonement. Except Jesus was the perfect sacrifice that was good once for all. When God applies the blood of Jesus to our sins he forgives us and makes us forever part of his family.

The pastor of University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, is in heaven today because there was a time in his life when he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. Since then he has been eternally secure in that relationship with Jesus.

Becoming eternally secure in salvation is as easy as A-B-C.

A - admit you are a sinner. We have all sinned and our sin separates us from God. It's not a big disclosure that you admit you are a sinner. God knows it. You are really just agreeing with him about it.

B - Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and what he did on the cross is the only way to resolve your problem with sin. Your good deeds are good enough. Your good intentions aren't. You can't attend church often enough or give enough money or do anything that will save you except believe is Jesus.

C - Commit your life to him. This means that you will allow his teachings to mold and shape your life. You will allow his Spirit to lead you. You will look to his Word for answers to life-situations.

Express these things to God in prayer and you will be saved and eternally secure. Just like Kyle Lake.

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