Monday, November 13, 2006


God's moving.

Have you heard the song by FFH about God moving? The writer pleads with God to move...and if not, MOVE ME!

I know the request is for God to change our desires to match what God is doing. But I've been asking God to do something in my current church but the resistance is great. I'm concerned about the church; really, I'm concerned about the members. Some of them, anyway.

I believe God has a great plan for this church, but the people have to be willing to move with God. Only a few have said and demonstrated they are willing. I'll continue to pray that God will move.

In the meantime, God is moving me. I completed my seminary degree recently. I've always served bivocationally but feel God is calling me to fully supported ministry. Sunday is my last Sunday at my current church. We're moving this weekend across town to another church. I'll be in the office Monday.

I'm praying God will continue to move like only he can.

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