Thursday, August 14, 2014


This was a brisk, clear morning for a jog. It felt more like October than August. As I walked from the house to the church parking lot, I thought that maybe I should have worn sweat pants.

I like cool mornings and can't wait for the temps to range between 40 and 70. As far as summers go, this one has been much more to my liking.

Not a cloud in the sky at 5:00 A.M. The moon was big and high overhead. I'm writing this at 7:50 and it's not much brighter outside than it was then.

Our exercise takes us down Colonel Glenn Road onto Rushing Road. There aren't many street lights but we didn't need them. Sometimes when it's cloudy or the moon is low on the horizon or visiting another hemisphere, the pavement disappears beneath my feet. That used to bother me but I've learned to trust that the road will be there.

No such worries today. In fact, as we passed the last street light I noticed two shadows on the road. One was stronger right at the light but grew fainter as we ran on. And it grew longer and more fuzzy.

The other shadow disappeared while I was closest to the street light but grew stronger as I moved away. Its length remained constant and its clarity never changed.

The shadow from the light of the moon was stronger than the shadow from the street light. It was more consistent. It was there even when there were no lights around, only one above.

You can divide the influences in your life into two groups: those of this world and those of a heavenly world.

The influences of this world originate from people and things around you. Some are better than others. Your closeness to them varies. Their influence on you strengthens and weakens. The shadow they cast in your life is inconsistent though sometimes overshadows the influences from above.

But the influences of the heavenly realm never change. Even when the rest of the lights go out, you can still experience their impact. These influences are consistent so you can count on them. You can trust them.

We have to guard our hearts to make sure we aren't negatively influenced by inconsistent sources. Fixing our gaze upon Jesus assures us of a trustworthy source of guidance and protection.

Jesus uses godly people to positively impact the lives of others. I want to be around people like that. And I want to be that person for others.

Godly people help each other as we follow Jesus. That's the "iron sharpens iron" principle. So find godly people and get to work growing in Christ together.

Godly people also help people who are following other influences turn to Christ for love, forgiveness, and redemption. So today look for someone you can point to Jesus.

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