Wednesday, July 01, 2015

True Equality

Have you noticed that when we compare ourselves with others we look for the highest level of comparison. By highest I mean most desirable. For example, Johnny Bench and I are both baseball players. Merle Haggard and I are both singers. AJ Foyt and I are both drivers. Billy Graham and I are both preachers.

See what I mean?

Even in our likenesses there are huge differences. And I'm really not much like Johnny Bench, Merle Haggard, AJ Foyt, and Billy Graham. Those are misleading comparisons.

Personal claims have hit the news recently that make me wonder if pseudo-comparisons are being implemented. "I'm African American." "I'm married." "I'm in love."

I tweeted on June 16, "Despite having a DQ Blizzard today, I identify as skinny." I'll not post a picture but you can trust me that this is wishful thinking.

In a culture infatuated with moral relativism, we need a standard of truth. We need clarity in assessments. We need honesty.

As a Christian, I believe that the Bible reveals the truth, clarity, and honesty we need. With God as its author, the Bible shows us who Jesus Christ is...his person, his character, his will.

Read the Bible and you will find this truth: we are all sinners in need of a Savior (see Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23).

As our society struggles to equalize everything from wages to sexual preferences, we must remember that we are all sinners in need of a Savior.

The greatest need is not for...

  • marriage equality (recent SCOTUS decision)
  • wage equality ($15 minimum wage in California)
  • talent equality (all the technology used in a recording studio)
  • opportunity equality (immigration reform).
The greatest need is for a Savior and the realization that we are all equally in need of a Savior. Can we look at every other person on the planet and see that we are all equal?

A Southern Baptist pastor needs a Savior just as much as an atheist does.

A Republican needs a Savior just as much as a Democrat does.

A capitalist needs a Savior just as much as a socialist does.

A CEO needs a Savior just as much as an entry-level clerk does.

An American needs a Savior just as much as an Asian does.

A heterosexual needs a Savior just as much as a homosexual does.

I need a Savior just as much as you do. You need a Savior just as much as everyone else does.

The Great Equality Debate should begin and end with realizing we are equally guilty of sin, equally in need of a Savior, equally loved by God, equally died for by Jesus, equally reconciled to God when we believe in and follow Jesus.

My friend Mark Lanier wrote a song entitled "The Ground Is Level." Here's a link to it.

We are all sinners in need of a Savior. All other inequalities can distract those who have the Good News from sharing it with those who need to hear it. All other inequalities can distract those who need to hear the Good News from seeing their greatest need, greatest opportunity, and greatest gift.

Only one difference matters. Only one distinction separates people. Those who believe in and follow Jesus Christ will spend eternity in heaven; those who reject Jesus Christ will spend eternity in hell.

But until we die we all stand on level ground at the cross: sinners in need of a Savior.

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