Thursday, August 09, 2012

Russia Mission Trip - Post #8

It's hard to believe that this week is almost over. The Russian believers here in Ekaterinburg are doing a wonderful job leading the Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS. The Bible lessons have been translated into Russian for the teachers. The theme song is in Russian. Even the Americans are speaking some Russian. Not very good though.

The Americans are doing the crafts and recreation, with the help of translators. Actually, the two women doing the recreation have lived here for three years so they don't need the help of translators but the rest of us do. Jessica and Jocelyn were in the IMB Journeyman program. They've been back home for a year and a half. We thought of them immediately when putting our team together for this trip. It's been a joy having them with us.

Deana, Shirley, and Gwen are doing the crafts. The translators are helpful but we have been able to communicate much of what the kids need to know just by pointing or showing them what to do. Most of the kids have wanted to use English on their crafts rather than Russian for the words and stuff. And most of them know a little English. At least enough to make me feel bad for the small amount of Russian I know.

My job has been to introduce the daily theme in the opening gathering and then to reinforce the theme in the closing gathering. I'm also teaching the kids a song in English. "Every Move I Make" is a little long but they are doing a good job and they love the choreography. A couple of girls "interviewed" me today. One question was, "Bob, do you like to dance?" I laughed inside and said, "Well, in America pastors aren't really supposed to dance." The translator said, "It's that way in Russia, too, but you are pretty good." Now keep that to yourself because I've never been, am not now, nor will I ever be a dancer! (But I'm pretty good at whatever it is I'm doing!)

Tomorrow is the last day. We'll head home Saturday and get home about midnight Saturday night. Eleven days away from home is a long time but the good news regarding our "Reaching Talitsa" emphasis and the exciting week we've had in VBS day camp makes it worthwhile.

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