Friday, August 10, 2012

Russia Mission Trip - Post #9

We leave for the airport in about 6 hours. I'm still working! That's OK. I'll have lots of long flights to get a nap or two. But I usually don't sleep on planes. I can take a nap Sunday afternoon. And all day Monday. And Tuesday.

This trip has been successful on many fronts. Let me mention two or three. Just when it looked like reaching Talitsa was going to be a far-off dream, we saw the hand of God at work this week. A man who pastors a church in the area is also interested in reaching beyond his town and into Talitsa. An interest in the Russia people was birthed in my heart in July of 1986 when I came to the Soviet Union as part of an Economics class at Arkansas Tech University. Then when I had the opportunity to come to Russia in February 2008, God stirred a passion in my heart for the city of Talitsa. We came back in 2009 and 2010. But in 2011 there was just not much glimmer of hope that a church would be planted there. I stayed home that year but prayed anyway. This trip has shown me that God works off the radar of my understanding. My faith is strengthened and my desire to pray for and work in Talitsa is rekindled.

Another point of success is that Cross Road Baptist Church has shown it can partner with another church (this one happens to be in Russia) to accomplish kingdom goals. Two American churches (Little Rock and Louisville) sent six people to partner with the church in Ekaterinburg for a week of children's ministry. We're not really sure what to call it. It was like a day camp and we used VBS material. And it worked. Most importantly, God worked through the camp and the churches to touch lives. One parent (a non-believer) said she wanted her kids to come back day after day because she could tell a difference in them. They were singing and happy. That's what the gospel does: it wraps people in the love of Jesus and changes them. Her children are not yet believers but they have tasted of God's goodness and seen the examples of many transformed lives before them this week.

The third point of success may not look like it at first. The woman who normally directs the camp was not able to lead this year because she was pregnant. She had the baby this week. But her sister stepped up to the task and learned that God empowers his people to do what he wants them to do. Many of the Americans and Russians fought with a stomach virus. Our manpower changed on a day-to-day basis. But we trusted God to use those who were able to accomplish his purposes. Even things like travel schedules and exchanging money were messed up. But God is in control! We live in a physical world and fight spiritual battles. Satan uses both spiritual and physical things to stop us. God is sovereign in both realms and always acts in accordance with Romans 8:28. This week was a Romans 8:28 week, for sure.

We head home soon. We get home late Saturday night. Since we are traveling west, we are chasing the sun. That makes for a long, long day of travel. I think I'll schedule a few naps for next week.


Anonymous said...

I have really enjoyed the blog posts, and especially the videos. I am so glad that Jocelyn and Jessica got to tag along with your team! Anita Dixon (Jocelyn's Mom)

Bob said...

I knew from our trips over the last few years that they'd be a good fit. Wish the virus had bypassed us, though!