Friday, June 21, 2013

Weekly Devotional - June 21, 2013

"'You will not surely die,' the serpent said to the woman."
Genesis 3:4 NIV
God means what he says. You and I see people every day who live as if they do not believe that God means what he says. Maybe it's us who live that way!
We would not be the first to doubt what God says. The original humans bought into the idea that God's commands might not really be what they appear to be at face value.
The serpent asked Eve what God had said about eating from the tree in the middle of the garden. She said they weren't to eat it or touch it or they would die. God had not said anything about touching the tree, but that's a topic for another devotional about misunderstanding God's commands.
The serpent seized an opportunity to drive a wedge between God and man by suggesting that God would surely not allow them to die just because they ate the fruit of the tree. He went on to suggest that eating the fruit would allow them to think like God thinks.
Once the consequences were removed or diminished and the benefits were embellished Eve felt compelled to eat the fruit. Adam did, too. But the consequences remained even though their perception of them did.
Which statement is true: "God means what he says" OR "God means what I think he said"?
It is true that we are to correctly handle the word of God (2 Timothy 2:15) so we have to apply all our mental ability to understand the Bible. God knows our limitations in that area so the Holy Spirit guides us as we study and apply biblical truths. God has gifted men and women to write helpful material so we can have a clearer understanding of his word.
Ultimately, it's what God says that matters, not what we think God says. That's why daily interaction with the Bible matters - because God means what he says. Pray that God will help you understand his commands and put them into practice for his glory and for your good. And watch out for serpents!

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