Tuesday, September 02, 2014

I'm Learning to Be Less Selfish

Deana and I (I'm not accusing her of being selfish, she's just part of the story) spent a few hours this weekend cleaning out closets. We both have way too much stuff so we are donating clothes to the Little Rock Compassion Center.

I filled two big black trash bags and stopped bcause I was tired of doing it. I'll finish some other time.

Have you ever put on a jacket you had not worn since last winter and found money in the pocket? That's a pleasant surprise. It can be a blessing, if you know what I mean.

We decided not to have a garage sale because we just wanted to bless others without a price tag. I'm not saying that is how everyone should do it. That's just our decision this time. Maybe we'll have a garage sale next time, who knows?

So I'm stuffing these bags through the small hole in the "donation hut" in the KMart parking lot. And I'm thinking, "Did I check the pockets?"

I do a lot of laundry at the house because we have a rule: Money found in the laundry belongs to the person doing the laundry. So you can imagine my dilema knowing that as soon as the bag goes through the hole I'll never have another chance to check the pockets because I'm too big to fit though that hole!

I didn't check the pockets. I figure that the next hand that reaches in those pockets belongs to a person who needs the blessing. God has blessed me in abundance. The least I can do is not be so selfish.

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