Saturday, September 26, 2009

Early on Saturday Morning

Saturday mornings are much quieter than weekday mornings. No school traffic and less work traffic. There is an increase in one kind of traffic: bicycles! But the make much less noise. A noise that’s actually kinda soothing.

Settling in with a cup of coffee and something to read while the rest of the family still sleeps. Listening to our dog bark lazily at something across the road. Noticing the absence of clock alarms sounding.  All is quiet on this cool autumn morning. The first Saturday morning of the new season!

I’ve read from the Psalms this morning how God watches out for the helpless. Though the evil, the arrogant, and the selfish take advantage of so many people, God promises to care for those faithful to him. Faithfulness carries with it the reward of God’s protection and blessing. This is not always evident in this life but always present throughout eternity.

I will focus on this promise and consider how God may want to use me to bring this promise to others.

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