Thursday, August 22, 2013

Is God Bothered By That?

I saw evidence yesterday that many people reject God because they do not understand the Bible. It was a reminder that our culture has made a drastic shift in the last few generations.

We could easily be offended when someone tells us to stop bothering them with our testimony of God's activity in our lives. We might shy away from further conversations when a neighbor tells us they don't believe like we do about the Bible. We might react in a militant way when those whose lives contradict biblical morality flaunt their choices in front of us.

So I wonder, is God bothered by that? Is he bothered by the way they react to him? Bothered? No.

Grieved? Yes.

God is not willing that anyone would perish in hell. That's why his son Jesus lived and died. And lives again. Rather than leave all humanity hopeless in regard to forgiveness and salvation, he did all that needed to be done to provide a path of reconciliation and redemption. A friend who had rejected the biblical notion of God once told me that if Christians could show us something that led to love, forgiveness, and redemption he and those like him would accept the faith.

Because so many people like my friend are wandering and wondering, God is not bothered by those who may reject him. He is not deterred from his plan. He is not challenged to back down.

But he is grieved when one person chooses to reject the offer of salvation. He is grieved when one person rejects the authority of scripture. He is grieved when one person ridicules his character.

Yet God loves them, stands ready to forgive, and offers redemption.

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