Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Too Full

My laptop is over three years old. That’s ancient for a computer. The speed is not so bad but the hard drive is too full.

I’m a packrat when it comes to electronic files. Hey, you never know when you’ll need it! So I have files saved on there that I’ll never open again.

And I have gobs of programs that I don’t use. I bought a logo design program when I started at Cross Road. I developed a few logos then found out I could do the same thing with Microsoft PowerPoint and Publisher. I also have a home design program that’s probably 10 years old. I installed it when the church began the new building so I could produce floor plans. I should probably remove it but I just keep thinking I’ll need to do something with it just any day.

You can see why my laptop is too full. It has 70 gb of storage – that was a lot three years ago. But it’s so full I can’t do a defrag – must have 15% free space and I’m at less than 10%. I bought a 500 gb external storage thingy and have been moving stuff to it for a  couple of months but haven’t created much free space so today I removed my Bible study program (it’s big) and reinstalled it to the external drive.

Now I have some breathing room.

Makes me wonder if my life is full of stuff I don’t need or never use. Is there any useless stuff cluttering up my life? Probably so. The truth is that all the unnecessary stuff is taking up space where good stuff could be.

Maybe it’s time to simplify – streamline – focus.

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